One of A Kind Yoga has approximately 8-10 spots to showcase art. If your art is chosen, the spot will cost a one time fee of $10. Your art will hang for 6 months- If at that time your art has not sold, the spot will open up for another artist. If your piece sells within the allotted 6 months, you can choose to showcase another piece (for free) or give your spot up to another artist. If your art is sold, you keep 100% of the profits. All art must be priced under $200. Art pieces may be original or prints but the artist must have ownership of the piece. At any point throughout the 6 months, the artist may "swap" pieces- meaning they may hang a different piece of their art. Each spot will include: the art piece, the artist name and bio, and how you would prefer to be payed (cash, Venmo, Paypal, etc.). One of a Kind Yoga has the right to deny art pieces for any reason. By completing this form, you agree to all terms and conditions.
You may submit multiple pieces to be chosen from- please specify names and prices for each picture
By submitting this form, you acknowledge that you are the original creator of the artwork and have the legal right to sell it. You agree to comply with our pricing, commission, and payment terms. You understand that the submission of this form does not guarantee acceptance, and our team will review your submission before making a decision. If accepted, you agree to sign a consignment agreement with One of A Kind Yoga outlining the terms and conditions of the artwork sale.
Thanks! You'll hear back from us shortly.