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 The Team 

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Julia Reed

Owner of One of A Kind Yoga

Hi! My name is Julia, and I am the founder of One of a Kind Yoga. I'm 24 years old and a Buffalo Native. After working in Skilled Nursing Facilities as an Occupational Therapy Assistant, I realized my calling was elsewhere. To help people heal their body, mind, and soul through holistic art practices. When I lived in California for a short time, I met an amazing group of Women who inspired me to bring my passions back to the 716 and start One of A Kind Yoga. I perform 1:1 Reiki, Cupping Therapy, Red Light Therapy, Sound Therapy. As well as teach somatic dance classes &  different style/level yoga classes! I also have a love for creating, so I like to host craft nights/ time to get creative!

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Emily Bernier


​​ Hi, my name is Emily Bernier and I am a portrait photographer from Buffalo, NY! Photography has been a passion of mine since I was 16 years old. I graduated from Alfred University with my BFA in Art and Design and focused on photography throughout my time there. I love capturing a special moment that can last a lifetime and telling stories through creative imagery.  I currently work with Bella Baby as a newborn photographer! You may see me around classes or events to capture all the fun!



Official Yoga Dog

While Roxy doesn't attend classes at One of A Kind Yoga, she makes sure the area is clean and secure before class. She will also be sure to stand guard during class to make sure we're all protected. So if you hear her bark... she's just doing her official duties as yoga dog!

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Kay bio

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